Pass Plus

What does Pass Plus involve?

This scheme gives you extra experience and discount on your motor insurance. You can take your Pass plus within your first year of passing the practical driving test.

There is no further test to take. Listed below are the basic modules that you are required to practice on Pass Plus.

  • In Town
  • Out of town
  • In all weathers
  • At night
  • On dual carriageways
  • On motorways

When your instructor is satisfied you have achieved or succeeded the performance required on each module you will receive a certificate from the driving standards agency. All our instructors are pass plus registered.

For more info about the course click on ‘Why pass Plus?’  Or ‘About the course’.

So if you have passed the practical test then boost your confidence with PASS PLUS.

About The Course

The benefits are listed below:

  • Gain valuable driving experience safely
  • Build on your existing skills and knowledge
  • Reduce the risk of being in a road crash

Listed below are the modules included in PASS PLUS on top of this we like to add some extra skills that we feel make PASS PLUS even more special . The official modules are 1 to 6 on modules 7 onwards are exclusive to CALM DRIVING.


Driving in town or a city centre can be daunting: rush hour traffic, complicated junctions and traffic systems. You will learn the skills to deal with all this and more…

Module 2- All-Weather driving

Rain, fog, bright sunshine, snow and ice: find how to drive safely in all different weather conditions you will face on the road.

Module 3- Driving out of town

Country roads can harbour all kinds of hazards, from sharp bends and potholes to farm vehicles and animals on the road.

Module 4- Night Driving

Dealing with dazzle, judging distance and speed, using your lights correctly- theses are just some of the areas covered.

Module 5- Dual carriageways

To drive safely on fast, multi lane roads you will need all your skills of observation, concentration anticipation and lane discipline.

Module 6-Driving on motorways

Motorways are like no other roads; learn how to drive on them safely and correctly under expert supervision.


Module 7 – Multi storey car parks

Learn how to enter, drive round, park and exit multi storey car parks

Module 8 – Entering and exiting ferries

Learn how to board a depart car ferries safely.

Module 9 – Car park safety

Module 10- Top up levels under bonnet and tyre check

There is no test at the end of your pass plus course – your driving will be continually assessed and you must successfully complete all the modules in the MAIN course (1 to 6) to the required standard.